Phoenix Real Estate Video Blog

3 Common Real Estate Gimmicks

  • 3 Common Real Estate Gimmicks

    Here are three gimmicks in real estate today that you should be wary of.

The Latest Numbers for Our Greater Phoenix Real Estate Market

  • The Latest Numbers for Our Greater Phoenix Real Estate Market

    Here’s what Phoenix homebuyers and sellers should know about this market.

How to Avoid Submitting a Contingent Offer

  • How to Avoid Submitting a Contingent Offer

    Here are five options you can use to avoid being a contingent buyer.

How to Win Against Multiple Buyers

  • How to Win Against Multiple Buyers

    Here are three ways to strengthen your offer that our team uses frequently.

Summer 2021 Market Update

  • Summer 2021 Market Update

    I'm here to give you our June 2021 real estate market update.

Real Estate 101 for Kids: How Realtors Help You Sell Your Home

  • Real Estate 101 for Kids: How Realtors Help You Sell Your Home

    Here’s a simple look at the steps we take when selling a home.

What’s on the Menu at the Fat Ox?

  • What’s on the Menu at the Fat Ox?

    Here’s what you can find at the Fat Ox restaurant here in Scottsdale.